department in Polanco

Learn about miyana Residencial amenities that will help you stay in shape near your apartment in Polanco

We know how important it is for you to lead a healthy life. Keeping it afloat is not easy: between work, family, maintaining your apartment in Polanco and day-to-day responsibilities, it is increasingly difficult to find the time to go to the club, the gym or the park.

That is why at Miyana Residencial we think about designing and building the ideal place where you and your family can meet the needs of your lifestyle without going too far from your apartment in Polanco.

Swimming pool

Having a pool in our residential development will always be fun for our family and friends, but it is also an ideal place to stay healthy. The pools are synonymous with sport and physical activity, and are also the perfect space to lose weight, since swimming and water exercises (aquagym, aquafit, aguabiking) are the activities that burn more calories and that most accelerate the metabolism.

When you swim or exercise inside a pool, your movements against water resistance involve fat burning and muscle development.

Soccer field

Football is a very fun sport that anyone can play. It is also the ideal activity to keep us in shape almost by itself. One of its main benefits is the improvement it causes in aerobic capacity, which helps you go from jogging to intense running without too much effort.

Football also increases cardiovascular capacity, reduces body fat, improves muscle tone and increases bone strength, not to mention its social and cognitive benefits.


Going to the gym has become a real ritual for many people, and it is one of the great pillars of what it means to lead a healthy life. Of course, its main benefit and for which half the world makes a space for it is by burning calories and the general improvement of our physical appearance; but spending an hour or two in the gym also has some other benefits that could go unnoticed.

Constant and guided exercise can help prevent and fight diseases, contributes to increase self-esteem and our sense of happiness, is able to increase our energy and improve our productivity in other aspects of our life and, in addition, helps improve our quality of sleep.

Jogging Track

There’s nothing like going out one morning and jogging a bit to start the day off on the right foot. Jogging (or jogging) is one of the favorite activities of almost anyone who wants to start a healthier lifestyle. It is relatively simple to practice, it is enough with twenty or thirty minutes of our day and brings with it benefits such as the improvement of the cardiovascular form, the decrease of blood pressure or the improvement of our immune system.

What many ignore is that the key to jogging is in the space in which it is practiced. It is not the same to do it on a ridge, in the middle of traffic and with the inhalation of toxic gases that this represents, than to do it in a space dedicated to it, in a wooded park or on a private track within your development. Fortunately, in Miyana Residencial we have that track for you to practice in the ideal conditions.

As time passes and the way our way of life has changed within the city, maintaining a healthy life and taking care of ourselves is becoming more and more important; as much as it is to choose carefully that the place in which we live has the necessary spaces to attend to it. Therefore, we want you to have everything at hand when you buy your apartment in Polanco.